April Chat & Eu Space Expo

Τετάρτη 1 Απριλίου 2015

Another month has passed by and I'm here for our little chat! Today's topic is change. Serious stuff, I know. But first, let me tell you that I visited the European Space Expo yesterday. If you happen to be at the center of Athens (Syntagma Square) some day until April 5th and are interested in these kinds of things give it a go! (oh and don't forget to look at the ceiling - magical)

"Change is (almost always) good" was one of my 23 Things I've Learnt In Life post. I used to be afraid of change just like many others. We tend to feel more comfortable in never-changing situations. However, feeling comfortable couldn't be further away from feeling happy. So my advice is: if it doesn't feel right, change it. Be confident in yourself, try out something new and finally do what makes you happy.

Try writing a letter to your future self. Just yesterday I read a post about this and it really inspired me. 
You could also keep a diary and document your changing process through pictures and facts. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on change so feel free to leave me a comment!

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18 σχόλια:

  1. Hello from Spain: interesting reflection .. We keep in touch

  2. Τι ωραια αναρτηση, εγω ειμαι παλι των αλλαγων απο ασημαντα πραγματα εως σημαντικα , παντα αλλαγη σου δινει ανανεωση και αυτο το κατι! Changes are always good!!!

  3. φοβαμαι τρομερά τις αλλαγές και τους αποχαιρετισμούς αλλά όταν γίνει η αλλαγή αναγκαστικά και δεις πως ήταν το καλό σου αλλάζεις λίγο οπτική!

    1. Έχεις δίκιο κορίτσι, καμιά φορά χρειάζεται κάτι αναγκαστικό να μας ανοίξει τα μάτια! :)

  4. Εμένα γενικώς μου αρέσουν οι αλλαγές κι όσο κι αν κάποιες τις φοβάμαι προσπαθώ να βρίσκω σε τι θετικό θα με οδηγήσουν. Ωραία ανάρτηση!!!!
